Tuesday, March 2, 2010

homework 42 part B

question: why is the modern school system treated like a giant race to get the best rank on every level from student to nation? Where does the ranking stem from, is it fair to the students or teachers? Is it linked to our seemingly obsessive need to be validated?

This is so important because school plays such a pivotal role in the rest of out lives, what are we asked when we apply for a job? where did you go to school. And what is asked of us when we meet some one new, what is your name and occupation? So in order to be successful economically or socially we rely on our brand-name education. This in some ways plays into the need for ranking and sorting. If our careers and friends depend on our education is it really such a surprise that everyone is trying to reach the common goal of success. I think ranking is societies solution to sorting out who is better. Your rank in middle-school determines where you go to high-school, your rank in high-school determines where you go to college, your rank in college determines where you work and your salary, your job determines when you retire and so on.

It seems like sorting and ranking affects nearly everyone it touches, it can make or destroy hopes and it can have a deep effect on your outlook on school, or life. Some students obsessively think about their rank in school, to them it is their future and in their eyes it is the gate way to accomplishing their life goal. To these students the rank and sort system is one of the most important parts of school.

Functionally sorting and ranking provides a system of conditioning the students/citizens. through ranking some students are weeded out and those that remain are given good jobs. Ranking allows us to sort and by sorting we are able to have a functioning class system. Some work for the industry and others run it, helping to fuel international capitalism. In short the sort system is in some ways unfair but at the same time allows a nation to compete on the global stage and improve its economy and the well being of its citizens.

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