Tuesday, April 20, 2010

hw 49

a. your personal contribution:
in the movie i played the role of rebellious student. The character helped show a different type of student outlook towards school.Having different characters, with different ideas on school like the teacher who likes poetry, the gossipers who care about their social lives or the rebellious students show opinions on what school is for whether it be for learning, socializing, or killing time. Having a rebellious student helped focus on how unengaged and uninterested students are in what they are taught. In that respect the rebellious students of the class show that much of the problems in school lie in the topics and the lack of connection the students feel.
b. your analysis of the message and tone of your section's film
To me the message of our class film is that students do not care about what school is offering and schools fail to accomplish their goal of education students and creating intelligent citizens. The fact that at the end of the film the students just started talking again as if nothing happened shows that overall students don't care about what school is set up to do, and the failure of the teacher shows the failure of schools to effectively teach students. The obvious emotions shown by the teacher also touch a little on the idea that education and student teacher relationships aren't always so black and white. The teacher and students are supposed to have a strictly professional relationship but that isn't always the case (as we see in the film) and that attributes to the failure of the teacher, the school, and the students. A lot of what caused the conflict of the story and a part of the message is that all the characters had different objectives the teacher wanted to enlighten and educate but only a small amount wanted to be educated, the different objectives collided and attributed to the teachers breakdown and the classes. The sad tone plays into the all around upsetting atmosphere schools creates. In too many cases there is more of a negative than a positive and the tone of the film is meant to help show that.
c. contrast the film with the savior/teacher films we watched clips of
The obvious main difference between this film and the other teacher films we watched is that the teacher failed. He couldn't get the students interested in the class and eventually they won unlike dangerous minds or dead poets society. In our film our teacher wasn't such a hero which Is the most used option except in maybe the class. In most of the other films we watched the teacher switched to immanence as then succeeded but in our film there was no switch the teacher was unable to teach the students. There was also no change in the student

The breakdown of the teacher had no effect on the students in the other films we watched the teacher made a connection with the students but in our film no such connection was made. Another difference in the our film was that there was a collection if different types of students in most of the films we watched (except for maybe hamlet 2) there was only bad kids in dangerous minds and freedom writers only good kids in dead poet society. However in our film there were some smart kids some rebels and some gossipers.
d. theorize (explore thoughtfully and powerfully) the connection between salvation and education/schooling in our culture
I think there is a big difference between salvation and education in our school system. Of all the teachers in new york i would guess that less than one percent truly enlighten or save their students. Sure there is the occasional teacher that can really help a student get a better life but for the most part giving an education is really just about going through the motions. Salvation from good teachers doesn't seem to happen often enough, educating helping or saving and standard schooling in this country don't seem to correlate. they are almost opposites.

A lot can be learned from the fact that this film was made by students, the group that understands school better than anyone. Its shows the opposite reality of what the savior teacher films say, all the movies like Dangerous Minds seem unrealistic. School in our culture does a good job drilling information into students heads but is ineffective when it comes to helping students who need help with something other than what is in the district curriculum.

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