Sunday, October 18, 2009

hw 12 feed A

A lot can be learned from the book Feed. Not only does it make one think about a cultural collapse it also gives you insight into what our world and looks like looking in, somewhat of a third-person point of view. Unfortunately, I do see some alarming similarities between feed and my life. The book shows the youths dependence on the feed, and alterior modes of communication much like the youths of today do. However i do think that feed was a little to drastic and somewhat haste to say that the entire teen population is like this. In some parts of the book i saw what we as a culture might look like if we continue the path we now follow for instance when they went to the moon, a future vacation spot. And at other times I read quotes that remind me of my own life now. Like when Titus briefly talks about how he wanted to buy something but he didn't know what.

To me the general tragedy of Feed was dependence on technology, something i see everyday. If it is not themselves at least everyone knows someone who could not live without technology, The book just takes our situation and puts the circumstances in the future.

although the feed may seem like a positive, although it may seem as though Titus and link and Marty have it great with all that information at their fingertips in the long run it is very bad. It is making them dumber as the internet, in some instances, does to us. Just like Titus thought George Washington fought in the civil war we forget that LOL doesn't really mean laugh out loud.

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