Monday, October 26, 2009

hw 15 abcdef3

comment of alicia's blog
Hi alicia

One thing I liked about your post for homework 10 the kindle research was the fact that you made a prediction. Its something that was original and interesting to think about. I only wrote about cell phone use which is not what is once was. It’s impossible to find a phone these days that is just a phone not something else mixed in. another good thing about your posts was in your digital fast blog. It was a good idea for you to add how you were feeling around the first few weeks and then again a little later. You also talked about what you are planning to do which is a good idea.

I may be wrong but I think your main idea for the digital fast was that as much as we may not want to we could live without as much digital obsession. You showed that it is possible for us to break the hold these digital representational devices hold on us, a much more optimistic approach. In your blog post 12 on feed your main point of the similarities in our world and the feed world were very insightful. You brought up some specific examples and connections that I had not noticed, for example the comparison of feed’s personal profiles and “cookies.”

Your point in homework 11, your self-experiment, that we could break free seems unlike some of the things that I have heard mentioned. I get the feeling in and out of class that people feel we’ve reached the brink, we are at the precipice of a intellectual collapse, now I’m not staying this is true I think if the general population of people who believe this really thought about it they might become less adamant about their claim but it unfortunately seems to be the consensus. Also in your homework 13 you said “I got from the book that independent thought comes with grave consequences” I got a similar feeling as you. I can see where you are coming from. This is defiantly something M.T. Anderson was trying to get across to his readers.

I think one place you can expand is a part in homework 12, you mentioned violet’s comment on how the feeds are getting to know us better than ourselves, you said before what exactly it is about the feed that has gotten them to that point and similarities to out life however I think that you could have expanded on this by adding what you think on this. Are we really at that point already? And doesn’t it many ways help us?

Something In you make me think about is what will be in the future. Not what is going to happen to us as a people because we as a class have talked about this often, but what is the next thing or what will push us even more? Your fast experiment got me thinking what if I deleted my facebook? I don’t know if I could do it. Also when you mentioned the genius in itunes, and cookies on computers it got me to think deeper about what makes feed an allegory of today.

Thanks for the posts,

comment on Brittani's blog

Hi Brittani

For one I really liked what you said about Feed primarily that it is much scarier to think about as an outsider looking in. I also think that was one of the factors that made feed such an awakening book. Also your comment where you made the connection of even the older people using the feeds to older people on facebook was very insightful and I didn’t realize it until you pointed it out. You also brought up a good point in hw 14 when you said that we like computers, and phones, and video games etc. because its more enjoyable and you interact with others.

I think that your main point for homework 14 was that although video games have some good qualities like increased eye hand coordination, books indirectly make people more active and intelligent. Also I may be wrong but I think in homework 13 you were saying that we could live without the Internet, which is our equivalent to the feed.

Your idea in homework 14 about people being more interested in spending their time with technology and digital representation devices instead of reading a book or the newspaper is very similar to a lot of what has been mentioned in class. Unfortunately for our culture that the computer and the television are more appealing. In addition I can agree and relate to what you said in I think homework 12 that M.T. Anderson not only made this an allegory for modern teenage life but the rest of society as well.

I think one thing that might have made your post for homework 12 better is if you expanded on how you feel about some of the comparisons, like when you talked about having everything at your finger tips, does that upset you is it all bad, all good? it also might be a good idea to proofread just a little because a few times you forgot a word but it wasn’t that big deal

One thing that your post helped me realize was the smaller comparisons in feed and the real life. The post you created on feed got me thinking even more about is this was we truly look like? If someone in the 17th century wrote a book about all of digital media in out life and the addiction to digital we have would they be as shocked as we are to feed?

Great posts see you in class


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