Sunday, November 1, 2009

hw 16 paper outline


The digital age has created a new form of communication which has reduced face-to-face embodied communication and replaced it with electronic mediums; this is changing out ability to lead an individual life of free thought.

Argument 1:
My first argument addresses the use of the Internet to express thoughts, specifically blog’s and reviews. I plan on spending time discussing the how the Internet has given us a new medium to think, and interact.
I will be using the section the Internet from Everything Bad is Good For you by Steven Johnson as evidence for my first argument. I am not sure how many quotes I will use or what all of them are but I will mention his statistics on the number of people who blog, and talk to others and I think discuss that unlike other journalism the Internets personal publishing is about the people themselves.
Argument 2:
My second argument will focus on the constant contact digital mediums have caused primarily cell phones, for this section of my paper I will use two different types of evidence, my first is from my informal research project, I will use my stat that 88% of wireless subscribers in Russia sent a text message within 30 days. I think this helps in my depiction of the how big the digital method of interaction is. This also shows how connected people are. Another source I am planning on using is from my interviews. I interviewed one man who made the point of never truly being alone. Work never leaves you and people are almost always connected.
Argument 3:
My third argument is based on the idea of using technology and connection mediums, like texting and IMing even when it is not necessary. I think this a strong argument that backs up my thesis well. For evidence I am planning on using the scene in “wall-e” where two people right next to each other used a screen to talk to each other. This is a lot like some of the things we do and I think it is good evidence to make my point. Another source I am going to be using is from feed I will be quoting the various parts where Titus and violet, or any of the other characters use the feed to talk to each other instead of speaking. This I think is another good piece of evidence to help back up my thesis.

i might also add a counter argument, that we are still have to same endpoint of communication we always have the digital age has just cleared a different path to get there. i will try to find evidence of this but it might be difficult because we haven't had much sources in class supporting this argument

1 comment:

  1. I think your outline was great. what you did that i did not do was get into detail about what you would be writing about. I just listed every thing out. By reading your out line i got a feel of what your paper is going to look like. You also showed me what my out line should have looked like. I really don't think you should change any thing about your out line, it' good the way it it. what soures do you think you are going to use to back up your thoughts?
