Monday, January 4, 2010

hw 32

What does tattooing signify to you? Is it heroic/artistic/bold-self-expression?

I think that in many ways tattoos are a way for us to rebel from our childhood which was mostly sugar-coated and coddled and go to what we see as the different exotic world. Tattooing signifies a personal rebellion from what we were raised with, the normal social map, and the sheltered life style. It is a way for us to break free from what is considered normal society and move to another culture. It signifies being the leader or rebeler and that becomes the essence of cool. This is an archetype that although is full of people and won't make you a trend setter will still make you cool. We are just conforming from one Archetype to another, we are island hopping coolness as a way to constantly appeal to a mass group, suppressing our constant need to be liked. and tattooing just so happens to be one major signifier for the cool archetype, rebel.

Its interesting that now most people get tattoos as a small, generally insignificant act to anyone but themselves as a method of revolting to the major sources in western culture like Government and Religion. But much of tattooing was started by exotic indigenous cultures as a right of passage or a sign of religion and respect with conformity to society in mind not rebellion. Its interesting how something that used to be considered sacred was copied and copied and copied to the point where it is now just a way to flaunt you sexuality and act rebellious and reckless.

I'm not saying that all tattoos have no meaning, some people get tattoos as a remembrance of a significant time and that is acceptable. those few just use tattoos as a way to externally show pride for themselves. However some people get tattoos because it makes them look "cool" and they really don't know why. they get a tattoo with no meaning and end up regretting it. I think that here is the confusion and misconception of what a tattoo means. Since tattoos were introduced into western culture by soldiers and gang members tattoos were automatically given the stigma of bad and taboo and because many religions speak against tattooing a lot of kids get tattoos thinking it will give them the face of cool. This is similar to what Mr. Fanning was discussing during his lecture. There are levels of sophistication, getting a tattoo can be meaningful and significant and be a symbol for a major event or it can be a kid getting a tattoo of a keg on his chest so that he will liked and seen as cool. That kid feels like he's joining a tribe, the tribe of rebels but in many ways all he is doing is reinforcing the claim that he just desperately wants to be liked and accepted.

One of the reasons I think tattoos are so popular with teenagers is because at that time teens are trying to figure out how they can break free and become an individual, they have become aware of the decisions being made for them and crave control, like we discussed briefly in class if you have control it prevents you from being seen as animalistic. Control is one of the ways we can be accepted or even cool. and tattoos are a popular way of being seen as in control of our life choices. By getting a tattoo one will have for a short time the feeling that they have some control over themselves, therefore the impression that a tattoo denotes cool.

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