Sunday, January 10, 2010

hw 33 cool outline

possible thesis:
coolness is a basic, life - spanning, constant goal we are constantly striving towards, it is the attempt to show those immediately around us that we can be heroically significant. As a result of our obsession with attracting and sustaining attention we do what ever we can to be seen as heroic and necessary, whether it be in sports, politics, entertainment, or intellectually unfortunately 99% fail in their attempt to heroic. By using signifier set up around our lives we preform a role that we hope will deem us heroic and pivotal.

Part one:
why we want to have attention so desperately.
it is a need we have been chasing ever since infancy. everyone most on the subconscious level realize the insignificance and frivolousness of their life in the grand scheme of things and use the act of being cool in its many forms to try and change it. It will also contain some information about the sense of emptiness and homework 30 where a learned a lot about the void we have a fill with being cool.

I think much of my evidence for this argument will come from the lecture "the psychology of cool with matt" we had in the beginning of December. I will mostly stick what he said about how we got used to attention we got when we were babies and we are always, even as we become elderly try and obtain again. I will also use a lot of the information I used and learned in homework 30 on frankl. I think the cool rules hand-out probally has some good quotes for this because it discussed a lot of what cool is. I can relate this to why cool is so widely practiced.

Part Two:the aspects of cool
this is really just going to be talking about the different ways we try and become cool. A lot of this section will consist of the archetypes of cool and they all somewhat make us look like heroes. I will also talk about how we are really always a part of one archetype and just move from one to another when we crave a different source of attention.

For evidence i plan on using a some of Fanning's lecture, primarily the parts where he talked about joining a tribe. As well as some of the people who are symbols of the archetypes (actors, musicians etc.)I might also quote some of The Death Of Ivan Ilych the parts where he realized the things he thought would make him cool and happy (material things, monterary sucess) only made things worse and showed him that spending life attempting to be cool made his life meaningless.

Part three: performances
this part is mostly focused on the way we show our coolness and archetypes. Here i really talk about why material items play such a big role in our perception of cool. This section is about the signifers and performances we play and how they relate to the signifeds and characters we give off.

For evidence in this part i plan on using a lot of information from the merchants of cool as well as some of the Goffman stuff and the Shakespeare quote: "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players"

1 comment:

  1. Great start!

    I think it would make your paper stronger if you included some emotion - doesn't have to be yours.

    How do we feel about this constant burden - of knowing that we'll be 83 (if we're lucky) and trying to convince the CNAs at the nursing home that we're special 83 year olds? Of the sometimes cooperative but often competitive struggle to get attention and validation from others? Of the pathetic ways we try to be the hero?
