Monday, May 10, 2010

hw 54

my type:ISTJ

introverted:60.61% extroverted:39.39%
sensing:62.5% Intutitive:37.5%
Thinking:52.94% feeling:47.06
Judging:71.88% perceiving:28.13%
ISTJ - "Trustee". Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time- honored institutions. Dependable. 11.6% of total population
part 2:
Upon hearing my test results i can't say I'm surprised. I am generally more introverted, and i do tend to think logically acting on thought not impulse. Also in class when i was used as an example most people guessed letters/results fairly correctly. So with that said i think the results are fairly accurate. Obviously there are some flaws with the way the testing is done but none that would make the results completely false, one such flaw would be the fact that it is entirely based on one own perception of themselves may change the answers. People look at themselves in a different light than friends look at you. For the person taking the test they might look at the questions a little more subjectively and be more generous when evaluating themselves. Therefore the results may not be completely accurate but for the most part the Myers-Briggs test is generally correct. Additionally i think the test is for the most part accurate because in class i evaluated a friend, i looked at each section and tried to think about what fits best. Afterward i asked her what her real results were and i was 100% right so the test obviously isn't just guessing, there is some thinking and scientific evaluation that goes into categorizing people.

However i think a lot of what the test attempts to evaluate is situation based. For example in a group of friends one might be louder, more outgoing, talkative, and therefore more extroverted but the same person could be quiet or shy in a group of people he or she doesn't know and therefore introverted. It's hard to grasp a personality profile that perfectly matches a person in every situation all the time because we are not always the same person.

On the debate of whether we should follow the theory of
appreciate difference or maximize compatibility i would pick maximize compatibility. I don't believe that opposites will attract. It really just doesn't make sense to me and I have even recently heard that there have been studies proving that similarity is a big part of attractiveness. Would a far right wing Republican marry a left wing liberal? They would just fight all the time maybe it's the sensing and judging from my test but it really doesn't seem logical.

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