Wednesday, September 30, 2009

HW 9 GHIJK comments


Thank you Alicia for your comment, it was very insightful and I think you got the main idea of my video and comment.

your Comment was helpful in me realizing exactly what my video was saying without me speaking it. You noticed things in the video that I didn't even see when i watched it, like the fidgeting.

The comment you left got me to think about how the negative physical effects this has on me. I usually stayed on the emotional effect it has on me, how i looked plain but you talked about how I was, i guess it was subconscious, fidgeting and becoming restless.

It seems i was more interested in what i was feeling and my look in my face where as you were focused on my arms how i couldn't stay still.

My post and your comment both seem to have a similar question within them about how we keep doing things we don't want to. why is our minds doing this if our bodies don't want us to?

thanks for your comment

hw 8 comment on other peoples videos

Comments on other peoples video posts
Your video and comment afterward was very interesting. i think it was very interesting how you decided not to use a webcam to show just your face instead you looked at it from a different perspective and the point of view help your video show multiple digital devices.

The Main idea of your post which i think was how we hop from one digital aspect to another, never stopping and thinking about what is going on was very well depicted in your video. It's a very good idea and something that i think a lot of us do.

I had thought about ideas similar to the one in your video briefly durning class but i didn't really focus on it. I also at times go a little over board with technology, just reaching for the next thing with no patience or thought. It has somewhat become a force of habit and I don't even realize I'm doing it. We don't even perceive the constant digital stimulation as a problem until we watch ourselves doing it.

Since your video covered all the types of digital representation we have been talking about in class there isn't much you could add to it, but in your comment you could expand about what you said towards the end of your fourth paragraph when you talked about how weird it is that when you are so immersed and consumed by a digital device it is as if all other senses are turned-off. I think this is something that is worth discussing further.

the end of your last paragraph where you say we decide between going out and experiencing life or staying in and doing something you have done many times before made me think. It's a very good observation and i notice it all the time in my life and the lives of others.

great post

comment on Arden's blog 

i commented in Arden's blog because my other group member had technical difficulties and was unable to post a video. 

Arden I'm commenting on your video because a group member of mine had technical difficulties. 

Your video was very good. Your choice of perspective was a good one. Since you didn't use a webcam the video showed more than just your facial expression. 

I think that your main idea from your video and your comment afterwards was that you were sort of immersed in your own world. You were unaware of the life around you. As your say in your comment you forgot about the video and that you were being taped. 

I felt the same way as you after watching my video. I thought about how i could have spent the time better by being outdoors and experiencing life that wasn't a screen.

As good as your video and comment were I think if you wanted to make it better you could expand on what you were feeling when the video was being taken. What about the two minutes did you find most important? Does this video make you want to change anything about the way you use technology?

The video makes me think of all the things i should have been doing. also for some reason i think it has something to do with the point of view your video was shot from I realize how much we rely and use our thumbs over anything else. 

great video and post 

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

HW # 7 interviews

first interview 9-22
question: Do you personally feel you could mentally survive in a time period in which there was no electricity yet was still somewhat like ours, for instance colonialism,?if not why exactly, is it one thing that you rely on more than others, and also are we moving to quickly to fully adapt. How does constant reinvention negatively impact you? In other words do we progress at too fast pace?

The response was that she could live in a society in which there was no digital stimulation. the reason being that all the instant and constant access to information which is sometimes irrelevant can be overwhelming. she feels that at this time we do move at too fast a pace. "We are constantly changing and are expected to be technologically savvy" The instant response created by digital representations, has forced us to feel as though we too must be faster and as that happens we lose more and more of our ability to think thoroughly.

I think this response wasn't standard. It showed thought and true analysis.

Response from people on the street

Walking around the street asking about 4 or 5 people their idea about the digital age and how it impacts there life got both similar and different views. Some of the people gave the expected response that it stops us from human interaction and makes life seemingly easier. One man in particular talked in a very realist ideas. He saw the constant digital revolution as inevitable and such a big part of our lives that one day we will evolve to humans with big thumbs and little arms. Again going back to the lack of physical activity. One said that it can make people a little too reachable. That people now are bringing work wherever they go and can never really get away or be alone. Most of the People said they could survive without a cell phone or internet but it seemed unlikely for it to happen after they had talked so much about how much they rely on it. One comment that I found particularly interesting was one where a man said television was the biggest revolution in recent time and that it in a way got the ball rolling on the idea of instant information and the digital lifestyle. The basic principle behind nearly everyone's response was how it has revolutionized everyone even if they don't have a phone or only watch TV a few hours a week. The thought that it started as good and has progressed into intrusive and disrubtive was not one i expected and enjoyed.

i think these answers were semi-standard. Some were expected responses but others got me thinking on how it indirectly effects everything.

Response from someone out of personal/political

i asked a friend, not taking the personal/political class a similar question about their thoughts on the digital age, if we are moving at to quick a pace and if its leading us in the right direction. The response i got was somewhat unexpected. For the most part he talked about how it too him, or more fitting to us as teenagers the digital age is and for most of our lives was normal, there was major change in our lives, we were born into it and thus how can we feel the difference that others might feel being that we have no primary evidence or life experience. He for the most part enjoys the spread of technology like most people and relies on it heavily like most of the modern world but to a point. The idea of us moving at too quick a pace was something he thought was obvious not very surprising. Through interviewing him I began to wonder, if these things that are all the time being developed and invented which no one really needs or understands how to use why is anyone buying it? If it so useless who would think to produce it?

I think that interviewing these various people was good because it should me different opinions and in many ways helped me think and ask questions of my own.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

HW #4 triangular comments 1

my post to Alicia P.

Alicia i really enjoyed reading this. What I like and makes your post unique is that you involve exactly what you see in your life. When you talk about people on the bus with cell phones and teenagers walking down the street with headphones. Those real life examples do a great job of getting your point across.

Your contrast of the life we live especially in new york and the life of another person desperate to get away from our society. The way you say the necessities of life don't need an outlet help express a main point.

Your post is a lot like the things we've discussed in class where we use the internet and technology to have a more interesting life but from the safety of our own home.

but what about the positive aspects? you mention it in the beginning of your post but you should add on to it. exactly how good is the good of it?

you make me think of how i act in my life. i think about when I'm on the bus or train and am completely unaware of the outside world, sometimes so much so that I almost miss my stop.

Can't wait to read the next one

my post to Brittani C.

brittani I really enjoyed this post. I think it was great how one aspect of the digital age like social networking can be both good and bad. You expressed how it can be addictive and keep you from doing other things, which is bad, but also keeps you connected which is good.

I like your recurring message that it's addictive, we know it's addictive we see what it is doing to us and yet we can't stop. Your question why do we keep coming back? Is something I myself want answered. I really like and agree with you when you say that it takes over us and prevents from doing the most simple tasks like eating. I sometimes see the addiction in myself. I can remember various times when i chose to stay home and watch television instead of going outside and experiencing real life.

Much of you're post reminds me of some of the things said in class and adds on to some questions that need to be answered. If you were to add on to this i think that you should try and give your own interpretation of why we are just so addicted. Also where do you see this addiction leading us? Does the bad outweigh the good or vise-versa?

Your post has been good for me it helps me think of specific times in my life this has happened and how I would be different without this take over of digitalization. Could I survive in a previous time where there was to digital life.

hope your next blog post is just as good

Friday, September 11, 2009

HW #3 initial thoughts of digital age

The digital age is not only new but also revolutionary. It something that has never before been used. It meets the demand that people in the 21st century have where everything is instant and there is no waiting. It has not only helped business and the communication between them like it originally was created for but it has moved rather quickly from work to play. And from making businesses move smoother to making personal lives more fun and easy. I like the idea of things in life being not only easier and quicker but also fun to use and have, but to a point at some point it turns from easy and fun to lazy and less and less based on human to human interaction. As the digital age progresses and the technology gets more replaceable to things that used to need a "human touch" so does our ability to think for ourselves. I love technology and new and fun electronics but to a point. eventually it turns to a point where manufacturers produce things that no one needs. The digital age is definetly a good thing it has reinvented the way businesses work and progress and it has made life easier and more instant but at the rate it is going it eventually it will cross a line.

But the digital aspect of life can vary from country to country. For instance if I googled taniman square the images i would see would be much different then if i did the same in china. recently in Iran when many were protesting the election the government tried to stop many texts in an effort to get people from connecting. it shows that although more in a peronal use sense than a business sense digital aspects of life can vary. i see it as taking old ideas of censorship and way of life based of governement ideology putting them to new use and giving them a new field.

There are certain people who in this world who are praised as heros simply for inventing a new peice of technology. There is no doubt that the world would be drastically different without the Bill Gates of the world. In most ways for better but some for worse.