Friday, September 11, 2009

HW #3 initial thoughts of digital age

The digital age is not only new but also revolutionary. It something that has never before been used. It meets the demand that people in the 21st century have where everything is instant and there is no waiting. It has not only helped business and the communication between them like it originally was created for but it has moved rather quickly from work to play. And from making businesses move smoother to making personal lives more fun and easy. I like the idea of things in life being not only easier and quicker but also fun to use and have, but to a point at some point it turns from easy and fun to lazy and less and less based on human to human interaction. As the digital age progresses and the technology gets more replaceable to things that used to need a "human touch" so does our ability to think for ourselves. I love technology and new and fun electronics but to a point. eventually it turns to a point where manufacturers produce things that no one needs. The digital age is definetly a good thing it has reinvented the way businesses work and progress and it has made life easier and more instant but at the rate it is going it eventually it will cross a line.

But the digital aspect of life can vary from country to country. For instance if I googled taniman square the images i would see would be much different then if i did the same in china. recently in Iran when many were protesting the election the government tried to stop many texts in an effort to get people from connecting. it shows that although more in a peronal use sense than a business sense digital aspects of life can vary. i see it as taking old ideas of censorship and way of life based of governement ideology putting them to new use and giving them a new field.

There are certain people who in this world who are praised as heros simply for inventing a new peice of technology. There is no doubt that the world would be drastically different without the Bill Gates of the world. In most ways for better but some for worse.


  1. Hey Evan, although i don't know you very well yet, your post was very informative about your views on the "digital age" and I can say we do have some thoughts in common, especially about how revolutionary all of this technology is.

    I enjoyed the fact that you shared your perspective on how useful digitalization has become and how it is so in demand that people not only expect it in business but now in the home as well. I also loved how you not only referred to technology in this country but in comparisons to others. Whats good for one country may not be as beneficial for another. You wrapped up all your ideas nicely with that final conclusion paragraph as well.

    I could tell you were trying to convey a message that although all these electronic gadgets may appear useful and enjoyable to some, it isn't always the same outlook for others.

    Even though I'm not as well informed about the issues going on in Iran as you seem to be, I could understand where you were going with your opinion on the shadier use of technology. This reminds me of the books 1984 by George Orwell where technology was used for the government to gain and obtain power over the citizens of a forcefully Totalitarian Society.Although this book was an author's prediction that may have a bit extreme, i think that its fair to say all this digital control could contribute to government influence.

    You mentioned how you saw technology as ruling out jobs that were once performed my people, and therefore now are lacking a "human touch". But do you think your could elaborate on that and perhaps provide an example like you did with your other points? Why can we no longer think for ourselves? What aren't we doing that we once did before computers, iPhones and TV's?

    Your post really got me thinking about the idea of accomplishments and how success is based on how much you contribute to the future of the world. I always saw being in digital "demand" as the only way to live, but perhaps it isn't only holding people back from one another but also from independence and freedom.

    Thanks for sharing your opinions for me to build off of. I'm intrigued to read what further thoughts you have in this class :)

  2. alicia
    thanks for the comment it was very well written and i got the feeling that you understood my idea and main argument. You gave a good summary of my ideas and showed where you agree and disagree.

    The part where you compared my post to 1984 helped me think about how the digital age can be enlarged and brought on a scale unlike any other. Your comment on where exactly have jobs been lost to machines and computers got me thinking about how many it really is, like mail now competing with email and instant message.

    your comment also did a good job in making me want to think more on the need for on demand and instant answer in order to be successful. It was good for me to see what you wrote about 1984. When I read that book I mostly looked at the oppressive government itself and just that they took over the lives if citizens but your comment helped me look at how this happened and how big a part the TV's (or telescreens there) played.

    It seems that your idea of many aspects of the digital age appering to be good but having bad outcomes and my idea of how it can help people and hurt people are similar.

    i think that one question that kept coming u in both of our posts and responses was how do these things affect us on a smaller scale? like us as individuals not as a world. and i think we also look at this from a future prospective like where is this taking us?
