Tuesday, September 22, 2009

HW # 7 interviews

first interview 9-22
question: Do you personally feel you could mentally survive in a time period in which there was no electricity yet was still somewhat like ours, for instance colonialism,?if not why exactly, is it one thing that you rely on more than others, and also are we moving to quickly to fully adapt. How does constant reinvention negatively impact you? In other words do we progress at too fast pace?

The response was that she could live in a society in which there was no digital stimulation. the reason being that all the instant and constant access to information which is sometimes irrelevant can be overwhelming. she feels that at this time we do move at too fast a pace. "We are constantly changing and are expected to be technologically savvy" The instant response created by digital representations, has forced us to feel as though we too must be faster and as that happens we lose more and more of our ability to think thoroughly.

I think this response wasn't standard. It showed thought and true analysis.

Response from people on the street

Walking around the street asking about 4 or 5 people their idea about the digital age and how it impacts there life got both similar and different views. Some of the people gave the expected response that it stops us from human interaction and makes life seemingly easier. One man in particular talked in a very realist ideas. He saw the constant digital revolution as inevitable and such a big part of our lives that one day we will evolve to humans with big thumbs and little arms. Again going back to the lack of physical activity. One said that it can make people a little too reachable. That people now are bringing work wherever they go and can never really get away or be alone. Most of the People said they could survive without a cell phone or internet but it seemed unlikely for it to happen after they had talked so much about how much they rely on it. One comment that I found particularly interesting was one where a man said television was the biggest revolution in recent time and that it in a way got the ball rolling on the idea of instant information and the digital lifestyle. The basic principle behind nearly everyone's response was how it has revolutionized everyone even if they don't have a phone or only watch TV a few hours a week. The thought that it started as good and has progressed into intrusive and disrubtive was not one i expected and enjoyed.

i think these answers were semi-standard. Some were expected responses but others got me thinking on how it indirectly effects everything.

Response from someone out of personal/political

i asked a friend, not taking the personal/political class a similar question about their thoughts on the digital age, if we are moving at to quick a pace and if its leading us in the right direction. The response i got was somewhat unexpected. For the most part he talked about how it too him, or more fitting to us as teenagers the digital age is and for most of our lives was normal, there was major change in our lives, we were born into it and thus how can we feel the difference that others might feel being that we have no primary evidence or life experience. He for the most part enjoys the spread of technology like most people and relies on it heavily like most of the modern world but to a point. The idea of us moving at too quick a pace was something he thought was obvious not very surprising. Through interviewing him I began to wonder, if these things that are all the time being developed and invented which no one really needs or understands how to use why is anyone buying it? If it so useless who would think to produce it?

I think that interviewing these various people was good because it should me different opinions and in many ways helped me think and ask questions of my own.

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