Wednesday, September 30, 2009

hw 8 comment on other peoples videos

Comments on other peoples video posts
Your video and comment afterward was very interesting. i think it was very interesting how you decided not to use a webcam to show just your face instead you looked at it from a different perspective and the point of view help your video show multiple digital devices.

The Main idea of your post which i think was how we hop from one digital aspect to another, never stopping and thinking about what is going on was very well depicted in your video. It's a very good idea and something that i think a lot of us do.

I had thought about ideas similar to the one in your video briefly durning class but i didn't really focus on it. I also at times go a little over board with technology, just reaching for the next thing with no patience or thought. It has somewhat become a force of habit and I don't even realize I'm doing it. We don't even perceive the constant digital stimulation as a problem until we watch ourselves doing it.

Since your video covered all the types of digital representation we have been talking about in class there isn't much you could add to it, but in your comment you could expand about what you said towards the end of your fourth paragraph when you talked about how weird it is that when you are so immersed and consumed by a digital device it is as if all other senses are turned-off. I think this is something that is worth discussing further.

the end of your last paragraph where you say we decide between going out and experiencing life or staying in and doing something you have done many times before made me think. It's a very good observation and i notice it all the time in my life and the lives of others.

great post

comment on Arden's blog 

i commented in Arden's blog because my other group member had technical difficulties and was unable to post a video. 

Arden I'm commenting on your video because a group member of mine had technical difficulties. 

Your video was very good. Your choice of perspective was a good one. Since you didn't use a webcam the video showed more than just your facial expression. 

I think that your main idea from your video and your comment afterwards was that you were sort of immersed in your own world. You were unaware of the life around you. As your say in your comment you forgot about the video and that you were being taped. 

I felt the same way as you after watching my video. I thought about how i could have spent the time better by being outdoors and experiencing life that wasn't a screen.

As good as your video and comment were I think if you wanted to make it better you could expand on what you were feeling when the video was being taken. What about the two minutes did you find most important? Does this video make you want to change anything about the way you use technology?

The video makes me think of all the things i should have been doing. also for some reason i think it has something to do with the point of view your video was shot from I realize how much we rely and use our thumbs over anything else. 

great video and post 

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