Monday, November 30, 2009

hw 26 interviews with cool people

Interviews with cool people:
  1. interview with omar:
do you consider yourself cool compared to your friends and colleagues?
Not ex
cessively. somewhat but not really, enough to be seen as cool but not too much to seem like your trying too hard. Try not to stand out but at the same time try not to blend in. "I don't really like to stand out but i also don't like to blend in."
it is good to be in the middle of the spectrum.

on a given day about how much effort do you put into looking cool? how hard do you try to look cool?

it doesn't take long- maybe 15 to 20 min. Doesn't try too hard to look acceptably cool.
the only extra effort for appearance excluding, the essentials (i.e. shirt, jeans, shoes.) is a hat. so he doesn't add much of the unnecessary crap that can make it seem like one is trying to be something they are not.

do you think that not putting much effort into being cool makes you even cooler?
not really. It doesn't change much, knows people who put in more effort yet they don't have a much different result

how do people categorize you just my looking at you in terms of your exterior. in other words judging the book by its cover?
"i get art scene a lot like hipster stereotype, occasionally jock"
its not really accurate. and he doesn't try to look like a hipster or artist, its not really up to him.

who is your idol?
"i don't really have an idol. i guess i would say Jimi Hendrix."
"why, you think he was cool"(me)
"yes, he was very cool, is music was good and was a change from what was seen a
nd heard."

2. interview with will

compared to people your know and converse with do you consider yourself cool?

"i dont think so, not necesary, its a case-by-case basis." after a going over it in his head "yes i am cool" "i wouldn't say that I'm cooler, or better than anyone, but i like to think that everyone can be on a level playing field. some people just end up leading"(will)

the others just follow the leader around, looking up to him. (me)

how much effort do you put into being cool?
i don't know not much like I don't try an insane amount

do you think if you put more effort it would make you cooler, less cool?
It depends on what you want if you want t
o stand out and be extravagant than you end up trying hard, but if you just want to blend in and simply be accepted than too much isn't necessary.
do you try and stand out?
"i think everyone tries to stand out. but not everyone succeeds", "i am fairly unique"

how do people stereotype you based on your exterior looks, at first sight what comes first to thought in some instances?
sometimes a prep. and in some ways i am preppy and its correct.

is it cooler that you look somewhat preppy in a school that doesn't have many preppy kids?
"i don't know if it makes me cooler, it makes me stand out"

who is your idol
John Wayne because he comes a forgotten era. in many ofhis movies he was astray from the status quo. he was tough and had a cool accent

3. Interview with matt
based on your definition of cool are you cool when compared to your friends?

i really don't think of myself as cooler than anyone else i really just try and be me, more than anything. i think what can make a person likable is if they can understand people on a deeper level than most.

Do you put a lot of effort into looking cool?

i don't really know image is an important factor in acceptability so part of me puts a fair amount of effort but also a part of me does care. some people really care and others don't really care. still some people just end up trying to be something they are not.

what do people assume about you based solely on your external attributes?

well i don't really know how accurate it is but I wouldn't be surprised with preppy, or hipster. but i really just try and be normal, not specific to one group because everyone is an individual, separate and different.

who do you admire/who is your idol?

my mom because she is pretty cool, i have a ton of respect for her. she works hard and raises me, my brother and sister and i think thats cool.

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