Monday, November 16, 2009

hw 23 first thoughts on "cool"

What about being cool can make or break a persons social status in humanity?
Cool in our society is the pursuit that pretty much everyone is following. What is the down side of cool? I don't know if there is. i mean what's not to like about being cool. I can remember when i was young still learning basic rules of society I was trying to figure out why is it called cool. The word cool is in no way related to its definition in this sense.
To me the average cool can be summed up in a few ideas. For one cool people are popular and trendy, but what makes them so popular, they are beautiful and are new, they seem different from others but really they are just the same. and the coolest people can never be followers, they are the leaders they set the trends and the cool people below them follow them. its interesting to think about the levels of cool. if you really look at it and analyze it, it disturbingly seems a lot like a food pyramid.
Another aspect of cool that there are inconsistencies. the stereotypical cool person is pretty, trendy, doesn't care about school, and is all around laid back. however in many instances being the opposite of cool is seen as cool. Take popular politicians for example, like the president. He is a very smart man who went to a great school. He was a good student in school and was very studious, this is much different than the average cool. Yet all the entertainment shows talk about him, and are obsessed with where he is, or what clothes his daughters are wearing. Not focusing on his politics at all because he is cool and hip.

Another thing i have noticed over our few days of talking about the definition of cool in our society is that what is cool seems to move gradually across generations. At first cool especially the "new cool" is different and a change. It starts with a few people, almost always the youth, and eventually gets copied and followed by an older demographic. It seems like what is cool keeps moving down the line and i am not sure why maybe it is because of our societies obsession with staying young, maybe it is a collection of things. The thing itself that was cool moves down until it is used up even for the oldest generation but there will always be something cool, something that if obtained and boost a person's social status, and it is almost always the made cool by the teenage and young demographic.

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